Our Current Needs
Thank you for your interest in partnering with us!
Since opening our doors in November, of 2019 the number of patients we are seeing has more than tripled. Likewise, our monthly expenses to continue treating patients have outpaced our current funding. Would you consider partnering with us as we treat and care for the forgotten and poor in our city and community by becoming a monthly supporter or donor?
Thank you in advance for your consideration as we restore new smiles and confidence to our patients.
The Grace Center Texas will continually be working to ensure every dollar donated is used to its fullest for the mission of our ministry. Anything less would be a violation of the trust you have placed in the purpose and staff of The Grace Center Texas. We are committed to the highest standard of steward excellence. The Grace Center Texas will make every effort to honor any designation or preference you have stated but in certain circumstances where a project is overfunded or cannot be carried out in accordance with your preference, the funds will be used for similar projects approved by the Board of Directors of The Grace Center Texas.