About the Founder
Dr. Grace Smart
Dr. Grace Smart is a pediatric dentist and had a successful private practice for 26 years. Since 2009, she has been going on international short-term humanitarian trips to provide dental care to those who have great needs. Grace realized her dental skills and expertise could be used locally as a way to offer a calling of compassion to those whose lives have been impacted through circumstances and needs.
From 2014-2016, Dr. Grace walked away from her private practice to give back and provide free dental care without taking a salary. During that time, Dr. Smart formed Grace In Healing Hands DBA The Grace Center Texas specializing and providing dental care to those who don’t have access to adequate healthcare. Grace has visited over 20 countries serving and sharing hope and love to people all over the globe. Through this experience, Grace felt a call to serve the needs of the people in the Dallas area..